Modi turntable from Bergmann Audio, is the entry level model – an affordable way to the advantage of airbearing technology.
Modi & Odin
The name Modi means “courage” or “brave”. He is the son of Thor and Sif, and represents the characteristics of his father. He is told that he will survive Ragnarok and- together with his step brother MAGNE– carry on Thor’s strength and qualities.
Advantage of using air bearings
The platter is centered by a steel spindle, running in a very frictionless, low noise and hard wearing polymeric bearing material, and floats on a thin air cushion, which lower the mechanical bearing noise to an absolute minimum- if any. (A traditional bearing solution, which keep the platter centered AND support the platter weight, makes a higher level of mechanical bearing noise, as the contact point between spindle top and platter, generates a very high pressure – and hereby noise.)
By floating on an air cushion, the platter also gains the advantage of a very good isolation from the surroundings, same way as the known -and very expensive- air supported shelfs, used in many highend audio systems. Also the speed stability benefit from the air supported platter. The musical flow is really extraordinary – not necessarily measurable but audible.
Plinth – Modi Turntable
The plinth is made of one solid piece of cnc-machined composite material, which is standing on 3 adjustable feet. The platter is belt driven, by a DC tacho motor. Communication between the DC tacho motor and the high precision motor control electronic, will keep the platter in a very accurate speed. Measured by Bruel & Kjær equipment, speed variation 0.003%.
The DC tacho motor is decoupled from the plinth, by an isolating layer of sponge rubber between motor and plinth. Sponge rubber have a very high degree of vibration absorption, due to the high density of air pockets in the construction. That will prevent any motor vibration transmitted to the plinth.
The air supply is remote controlled from the Modi plinth. When turning off the platter after listening, the air supply goes “OFF” automatically 2 minutes later. A user friendly and convenient feature.
Armboards – Modi Turntable
Modi accept 2 tonearms – radial- and linear tracking tonearms. As standard, Modi comes with a main armboard, to fit almost any tonearm brand on the market – 9”-12” tonearms. An additional armboard for almost any tonearm brand, is available for the Modi turntable.
Airsupply/Powersupply – Modi Turntable
The air pump must deliver an even, clean and dry air flow. The impulses from the pump are absorbed in an encapsulated reservoir. This results in an even airflow to the air bearing. The air supply is mounted with a filter, which prevents dust particles in entering the system. This filter is replaceable when necessary. The pump is an oil free, long life unit, which do not require much maintenance.
The airsupply box, contain air pump, powersupply and communication electronics for Modi. The airsupply is controlled from the turntable plinth, just by press either 33 or 45 rpm bottom. First press, the air goes “ON”, second press the platter start to spin. When the platter is turned “OFF”, the airsupply turns “OFF” automatically after 2 minutes.
Odin – Tonearm
In the Nordic Mythology, Odin is an extreme central God. Together with his brothers, he is creator of the world and man. Odin is the wise God. He is also the God of poetry, providing the poets with ecstasy and wisdom to express themselves. As a God of war, Odin also plays his role, and acts more like the strategist, who sets up his army, and as the God who ensures victory.
In the design and construction of Odin, we stay to our idea of simplicity: As few parts and assemblings as possible, to avoid resonances.
A parameter in the ultimate tonearm design is stiffness and stability in the construction. Both are carefully incorporated in the Odin arm. An example is the airpipe, which is fixed in both ends, to give the floating part the best possible base. The armtube is traditional for Bergmann tonearms- well considered construction in few parts, made as a double tube construction, with damping in between the tubes.
This means that the armtube control the vibrations from cartridge and record grooves when handling the musical crescendos. The tonearm wire is- as usual in Bergmann tonearms- in one piece from cartridge clips to the DIN connector. The DIN connector ensures user flexibility for connection of the prefered interconnect phono cable.
Counterweight is decoupled from the arm- again to avoid any resonances.
Floating part – perhaps the most important part, of an airbearing tonearm!
The first part of the tonearm to handle modulations from the record groove and cartridge, is the moving part of the tonearm. Head shell, armtube, sliding pipe and counter weight, has to be well considered and well assembled, to avoid any resonances to disturb the delicate signal.
The head shell is a very stiff construction, machined of one solid piece of aluminium, glued by 2-component epoxy onto the seamless carbon fiber armtube, which is a double carbon fiber tube construction with damping in between, to avoid coloration to the sound. The armtube is fixed in a groove, on top of the sliding pipe, which is machined of 2 pieces of solid aluminium and glued by 2-component epoxy. The space between the airpipe and the sliding pipe, is 50 micron, as we found this as the most userfriendly.
The azimuth adjustment is very well considered – a slot on the bottom side of the head shell, where an “azimuth-plate” perfectly fit = 100% contact, the azimuth is simply adjusted by tighten or untighten the 2 screws holding the cartridge, and then twist the cartridge to a perfect azimuth. At Bergmann Audio, we don’t believe in a twistable head shell in the armtube, as this solution never will be as strong and stiff, as the construction we have made on the Odin tonearm. The tonearm wire is made in one piece from the cartridge clips to the DIN connector, to secure as pure signal transmission as possible.
Air supply
The air supply has been the object of our greatest attention. The goal is to design a silent air supply, which could be placed in the listening room, and deliver an even, clean and dry air flow.
The pump is an oil free, long life unit, which do not require much maintenance. The impulses from the pump are absorbed in an encapsulated reservoir. This results in an even airflow to the air bearing. The air supply is mounted with a filter, which prevents dust particles in entering the system. The filter is replaceable when necessary.
Tekniset Tiedot:
Tämän levysoittimen nettiostaja saa kaupan päälle vinyyliharrastajan selviytymispakkauksen. Pakkaukseen sisältyy levyharja, neulaharja ja mekaaninen neulavaaka. Edun arvo on n. 50 euroa.
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