Ota kaikki irti vinyyleistäsi. NVC TT on täydellinen pari mille tahansa levysoittimelle
”Olemme yhdistäneet 50 vuoden kokemuksemme uusimpaan teknologiaan määritellessämme kotihifin uudelleen. Tämä ulottuu aina kaikkien aikojen parhaasta suorituskyvystä luokassaan, lisätyistä ominaisuuksista ja joustavuudesta ympäristöystävällisiin elementteihin – uudet Classic-tuotteet kuluttavat alle 0,5 W valmiustilassa.” Steve Sells, Naim Audion suunnittelujohtaja (laitteisto).
Get the most out of your vinyl with NVC TT. Very easy to use, it is perfectly compatible with any turntable with MC cartridges and MM cartridges, and easily connects to NAC 332 or NSC 222 preamplifiers. When linked with its dedicated power supply, NPX TT, it offers high performance.
Naim know-how
Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best audiophile components have been chosen for NVC TT and highly precise measurements to achieve an uncompromising result. It is an innovative concept, which partly uses the association between the phono stage and the power supply like in Naim’s Solstice Special Edition.
A timeless design
Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forgo any unnecessary adornments that would detract from the performance and sound quality delivered. The design of NVT TT is inspired by previous Naim creations, such as the SuperLine, but also the Statement amplifier. It is razor sharp, combining a sleek design, premium materials and adjustable logo brightness.
The story of Naim and aluminium
Our founder, Julian Vereker, immediately understood the many benefits of aluminium for wrapping Naim electronic components. He knew that delicate audio components are very sensitive to the effects of magnetic fields, thermal instability, unwanted vibrations, etc.
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