HE-1000 sarjan kuulokkeiden huippumalli jossa mikään ei tule taivaallisen kuuntelukokemuksen tielle
Kymmenen vuotta sitten perustettu Hifiman on noussut nopeasti kuulokevalmistajien kärkeen ja monen kuulokeharrastajan suosikiksi tunnustetusti hyvä-äänisillä ja teknisesti edistyksellisillä magnetostaattisilla kuulokkeillaan. 2007 ilmestyivät Hifimanin ensimmäiset RE-sarjan nappikuulokkeet ja HE-5-planaarikuulokkeet, joita pari vuotta myöhemmmin seurasi kuuluisa HE-801-soitin. Varsinainen voittokulku alkoi 2013 Hifimanin julkaistua RE-400- ja RE600-magnetostaattikuulokkeet sekä HM-901-soittimen. Loppu on historiaa.
Hifiman HE-1000 Unveiled
The fully open-back design of this planar headphone eliminates the negative effects of sound wave reflection, an obstacle that impairs sound quality.
The model is named UNVEILED because the depth and inherent beauty of the music are unveiled to the listener. The technology is based on the cutting-edge innovation and heritage of HIFIMAN’s flagship headphones, SUSVARA UNVEILED. Since the nanometer thickness diaphragm is sensitive to reflected sound waves, it is necessary to further increase the openness of the back of the headphone. This was the inspiration for the HE1000 UNVEILED’s removable back panel.
Commonplace products use mesh with a lower opening ratio as grill that leads to reflections and refraction that are detrimental to sound quality
Since the nanometer thickness diaphragm is very light in weight, it is easily disturbed by sound waves reflected and refracted by the mesh. Therefore, HIFIMAN uses a window shade design to increase the opening rate, maximize the grill exposure and reduce the probability of reflection and refraction. The result: dramatically improved sound quality.
The design of the window shade cannot completely avoid reflection and refraction. Only by eliminating the window shade/grill design will near lossless sound quality be achieved.
Due to the magnetic properties of the driver, it is important to cover the ear cups with the Magnetic Veils to avoid damage caused by absorption of magnetic objects when the product is not in use.
The thickness of the HE1000 UNVEILED’s diaphragm is under a millionth of a meter. It is extremely light, and gives the headphone extremely fast response speed and outstanding dynamic range and frequency characteristics. Combined with the ”Stealth Magnets” technology, the nanometer thickness diaphragm material is essential to the sonic output being clear and non-fatiguing, even after hours of listening.
The special streamlined cross-sectional shape of the Stealth Magnets optimizes and reduces the air turbulence and diffraction between the magnets, allowing the sound to pass between them almost unaffected, without disrupting the sound quality as is experienced with traditional magnets. Unlike the sound waves created by a conventional magnet, the Stealth Magnets can be thought of as disappearing in front of the sound wave, which reduces many of the adverse effects on the sound.
The special shape of the Stealth Magnets allows the sound to pass through the magnets perfectly without the sound quality degradation of traditional magnets
The elegant asymmetry of the HE1000 UNVEILED’s ear pads conform to and fit around the human ear, comfortably distributing the weight evenly yet offering a secure and sound grip. The pads themselves are gently beveled, contouring and molding to the user’s head, providing superb comfort for long listening sessions.
The cable configuration used for the HE1000 UNVEILED is a single crystalline copper wire alongside a single crystalline silver wire. The highly reliable socket reduces contact resistance to extremely low levels without affecting the transmission of audio signals.
The HE1000 UNVEILED package includes three detachable cables:
– one single-ended 1.5m cable with 3.5mm jack
– one single ended 3m cable with 6.35mm jack
– one balanced 3m cable with XLR jack
Tekniset tiedot:
Kaiutinelementti: takaa avoin magnetostaattinen suojaamaton tasoelementti
Taajuusvaste: 8Hz-65kHz
Impedanssi: 28Ω
Herkkyys: 95dB
Kuulokkeen paino: 450g (ilman magneettisia suojuksia ja kaapelia)
Mukana tulee: 3,5mm, 6,35mm- ja XLR kaapelit, sekä magneettiset suojukset
Hifimanin luoma ultimaattinen elektrostaattinen kuuntelukokemus toteutettu täysin ilman kompromisseja.
Gradon täysin uniikki HEMP sisältää kaiken 70 vuoden ajalta kerätyn kokemuksen yhteen musikaaliseen kokemukseen.
Gradon langattomat kuulokkeet hyvällä akunkestolla, pienemmällä ulossuuntautuvalla äänellä ja tutulla sävyllä.
Stax SR-L700 MKII- elektrostaattiset kuulokkeet. Uusin painos nyt kuultavissa MR Hifissä!