Grado RS1x on avoimen äänen puhtain ilmentymä uusilla X-Series elementeillä ja parannellulla pääpannalla
Leading the way for our 4th gen X Drivers, the redesigned RS1x combines maple, hemp, and cocobolo wood into a vivacious and elegant headphone.
The Sound of Wood
For the first time, three different wood species are working together in a Grado headphone. The housing is made of a maple sleeve, hemp core, and cocobolo outer ring. For decades we’ve used wood for its warm and embracing tonal abilities, but finding the right balance of three separate woods is no simple task. The reward though is an RS1x that opens Grado to a new level of sound.
Signature Sound
Pulling everything we can from the new 50mm X Driver, our signature sound is brought to new heights when combined with maple, hemp, and cocobolo. Maple takes care of most of the work, hemp smooths out top and low ends, while cocobolo adds that extra punch. Together the sound the woods produce, when combined with our special processes, are full-bodied, dynamic, and truly defined.
New Cable & Headbands
Along with the speakers, the cables and headband have been redesigned for the RS1x. Housed in a more durable exterior, the now super annealed copper 8-conductor cable reveals even more of your music with improved purity. The new black leather headband features a white-stitched accent.
X Series Drivers
The RS1x is the first headphone to be built with the larger 50mm X Drivers. Specifically tuned for the tri-wood RS1x, this new speaker design features a more powerful magnetic circuit, a voice coil with decreased effective mass, and a reconfigured diaphragm. Reengineering these components for our 50mm drivers improve efficiency, reduces distortion, and preserves the harmonic integrity of your music.
Hand Assembled in Brooklyn
Founded on a kitchen table in 1953, and working with wood for over a quarter century, Grado Labs has been perfecting the art of sonic reproduction every day since. This RS1x has traveled from workbench to workbench until ready for your ears. Every experience since that kitchen table has led to the creation of the RS1x.
Tekniset tiedot:
Toimintaperiaate: dynaaminen, avoin
Taajuusvaste: 12 Hz – 30 kHz
Herkkyys (SPL 1mV): 99,8 dB
Impedanssi: 38 ohm
Kanavien toleranssi: 0,05 dB
Hifimanin korkean keskipään mallina tunnetun Anandan toistokyky on harpannut huomattavasti
Shangri-la Jr yhdistää harvinaisia elektrostaattisia toteutuksia Hifimanin talon ääneen.
Yksi maailman suosituimmista budjetti-hifikuulokkeista on päivittynyt, Grado – hand made in USA!
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