dSC haastoi itsensä kiillottamaan jo puhtaasta timantista jotain ennennäkemätöntä
dCS:n Varèse lippulaivajärjestelmä on jaettu omiin erikseisiin yksikköihinsä, joita yhdistää Varèsea varten suunniteltu ACTUS-kaapelointi. Pinkka koostuu käyttöliittymä yksiköstä, kahdesta mono D/A-muuntimesta ja systeemin sydämmestä; Coresta. Järjestelmää voidaan ohjata mukana tulevalla kaukosäätimellä, sekä Mosaic ACTUS sovelluksella.
Lisäksi vahvasti suositellaan Coren selkäpuolelle I/O-moduulia, joka lisää järjestelmään 3x AES- ja USB-B sisääntulon, RS232 liitännän (Rossini, tai Vivaldi CD/SACD-soitinta varten), sekä World Clock lähdön. Ilman I/O-moduulia järjestelmä on ns striimeri pohjainen.
Eikä saa ehkä kruununjalokivistä tärkeintä, eli uudella ACTUS ja Tomix teknologialla varustettua Master Clock kelloa.
The Core is the heart of the Varèse Music System. This technological powerhouse supports most hi-res formats and major streaming services. It handles a multitude of operations, from audio input to the conversion, noise shaping and filtering stages carried out before signals are output to the Varèse Mono DACs.
The first dCS product of its kind, it utilises our novel ACTUS protocol to radically simplify setup whilst taking sonic and measured performance to new heights.
Master Clock
The Varèse Master Clock brings all the benefits of a dedicated dCS master clock – including improved imaging, focus and presence to the Varèse Music System. It ensures absolute timing accuracy and synchronicity for optimal performance at all audio sample rates.
The Master Clock utilises our new ACTUS and dCS Tomix protocols to deliver unrivaled jitter performance, providing our lowest jitter, lowest drift and most accurate clocking signal yet.
Its design is informed by our decades of experience developing audio master clocks for both professional and home use.
Mono DACs
The Varèse Mono DACs encapsulate our relentless focus on absolute performance. Driven by a desire to further enhance the sonic and technical capabilities of our DACs, we embarked on a radical reinterpretation of our DAC architecture and technologies.
We created a dedicated DAC for each audio channel, along with an all-new version of our renowned DCS Ring DAC™ hardware. We also devised a patented clocking protocol, dCS Tomix, to ensure perfect synchronicity between the Mono DACs.
These innovations have enabled us to take our signature ultra-low distortion performance to a new level whilst significantly lowering noise floor, bringing listeners an even more compelling and visceral sonic experience.
Discover new depths of detail and emotion in your music, and prepare to fall in love with your favourite recordings all over again, with the sublime capabilities of these extraordinary components.
Differential Ring DAC
The DCS Ring DAC™ has earned global acclaim for its technical and sonic abilities. This unique digital-to-analogue conversion system resides at the heart of all dCS DACs.
It has been carefully refined over many years to reproduce sound with the utmost clarity and precision, bringing listeners a profoundly natural and highly detailed musical performance.
In 2022 we delivered major enhancements with the launch of our Ring DAC APEX hardware. Not content with our achievements, we continued exploring how we could build on our accomplishments and once again improve the capabilities of dCS DACs.
After thorough investigation, we decided this could only be achieved with a comprehensive redesign of the Ring DAC’s architecture and operations.
We made a number of developments, creating a new design with twice as many current sources and introducing a new differential mode of operation.
Our extensive changes have made it possible to further increase linearity whilst significantly lowering noise floor and delivering a host of additional benefits.
The biggest change to our DAC architecture in a generation, the Differential Ring DAC elevates the dCS experience onceagain, bringing an experience of even greater presence, immediacy and intensity…
dCS Tomix is a patented clocking technology which enables the Varèse Mono DACs to operate in complete synchronicity – ensuring the left and right channels of each audio sample are converted at exactly the right moment – whilst simultaneously maintaining the highest degree of clocking accuracy within each DAC.
While developing Varèse, we carried out an exhaustive review of existing protocols and found that no current technology enabled us to achieve perfect sychronicity when sending signals via IP link.
We felt there was scope to create a novel solution and our investigations led us to develop dCS Tomix. This breakthrough allows us to harness the sonic benefits of a Mono DAC arrangement whilst maintaining the exacting standards we have set for clocking performance.
User Interface Module
The Varèse User Interface works in tandem with the Varèse Remote Control and dCS Mosaic ACTUS app to deliver a rich and engaging playback experience.
Its full-colour touch screen displays full album art plus detailed track data, play queues and other settings, allowing you to view more information at a glance.
Display modes and visible information can be tailored to suit your preferences, with customisable views, adjustable text size settings and optional dark mode. The User Interface connects with the Varèse Remote Control via Bluetooth LE.
It also enables compatibility and integration with UPnP control point renderers and servers.
Actus Cabling
Audio – Control – Timing – Unified – System. ACTUS is a bespoke interface that delivers audio, control and timing signals between Varèse components.
This novel innovation enables the Varèse Music System to be connected with a single cable running from the Core to each unit. The ACTUS protocol is unique to Varèse.
Building on learnings gained through four decades of audio design, we set out to radically simplify setup whilst further enhancing musical performance.
This novel innovation removes the complexities associated with multi- component audio systems and provides a simple yet high-performance solution for listeners.
Tekniset tiedot:
Viimeistely: musta, hopea
-USB-A (Ulkoinen kovalevy, jota ohjataan Mosaic ACTUS applikaation kautta)
-RJ45 (Sisäverkko striimeri otto)
I/O Moduulin kanssa:
-USB-B 2.0 (PCM: 24 bit 44.1 – 384kHz, DSD: 64 ja 128 (DoP))
– 3 x AES/EBU, joko yksittäisenä, 24 bit 44.1-192kHz, DSD 64 DoP tai sitten ns AES 1+2 Dual AES konfiguraationa 24 bit 88.2-384kHz, DSD 64 ja 128 DoP.
Striimeri: PCM 24bit 44.1-384kHz ja DSD 64-512 (natiivi ja DoP)
– 2x XLR pari, Antoimpedanssi 1.5Ω, max kuorma 600Ω (10kΩ-100kΩ kuorma suositeltu)
-2x RCA paro, Antoimpedanssi 52Ω, max kuorma 600Ω (10kΩ-100kΩ kuorma suositeltu)
Säädettävä antojännite: 0.2V, 0.6V, 2V ja 6V rms
I/O Moduulin kanssa
-S/PDIF 24 bit 44.1-192kHz, DSD 64 DoP
-Worldclock 44.1kHz, tai 48kHz
Möly: < -118dB0 (20-20kHz)
Ylikuuluminen: -115dB (20Hz – 20kHz)
Virrankulutus: 30 W
Mitat (L x K x S):
-Core: 438 x 244 x 444
-Master Clock: 437 x 131 x 444
-Mono DACit: 437 x 131 x 444 (per)
-Käyttöliittymä: 450 x 131 x 444
-Core: 31.1kg
-Master Clock: 15.7 kg
-Mono DACit: 18.7 kg (per)
-Käyttöliittymä: 14.6 kg
Väri | Musta, Hopea |
I/O Moduuli | Kyllä, Ei |
Master Clock | Kyllä, Ei |
Monipuolinen CD-soitin/DAC, johon voi kytkeä myös kannettavan musiikkisoittimen
Uuden sukupolven SA-CD / CD -soitin parannetulla levykelkalla ja erittäin hiljaisella ja pehmeästi toimivalla levynlatausmekanismilla