New Classic – sarjan päätevahvistin jatkaa jo lähes 50-vuotista perintöään viedessään kuulijan uusiin korkeuksiin
”Olemme yhdistäneet 50 vuoden kokemuksemme uusimpaan teknologiaan määritellessämme kotihifin uudelleen. Tämä ulottuu aina kaikkien aikojen parhaasta suorituskyvystä luokassaan, lisätyistä ominaisuuksista ja joustavuudesta ympäristöystävällisiin elementteihin – uudet Classic-tuotteet kuluttavat alle 0,5 W valmiustilassa.” Steve Sells, Naim Audion suunnittelujohtaja (laitteisto).
NAP 350
A benchmark amplifier, the NAP 350 offers precise musical performance and plenty of power and can be linked to a large number of high-fidelity loudspeakers. It can be used with other NAP 350. Thanks to its silent cooling system, it is easy to install in your chosen environment with no sound disruption.
The NAP 350 amplifier and its 175 watt monoblock design (with peak power at 1.7 kW) delivers incredible dynamics, meeting the needs of the most demanding loudspeakers. It offers ultimate compatibility, thanks especially to its balanced XLR input which facilitates connections and can be combined with one or more amplifiers.
Naim know-how
Under the guidance of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific circuits, combined with our acclaimed and high-performing DR technology, guaranteeing the stable and fluid power supply so essential for superior performance. The best audiophile components, such as the NA009 transistors from the Statement system, a new current source as well as polystyrene capacitors for low dielectric absorption have been chosen to heighten the quality of the NAP 350.
A timeless design
Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forgo any unnecessary adornments that would detract from the performance and sound quality delivered. The design of the NAP 350 is razor sharp, combining a sleek design, premium materials and adjustable logo brightness.
The story of Naim and aluminium
Our founder, Julian Vereker, immediately understood the many benefits of aluminium as a material for wrapping Naim electronic components. He knew that delicate audio components are very sensitive to the effects of magnetic fields, unstable temperatures, unwanted vibrations, etc.
Naimin tuotteet valmistetaan yhtiön omalla tehtaalla Salisburyssä, Englannissa.
Tekniset tiedot:
Pienikokoinen päätevahvistin, joka yllättää audiofiilitason äänenlaadullaan