Ajatuksella toteutettu A/B-luokkainen integroitu CD50n pariksi
Marantzin Model sarja on kerännyt aikaisemmilla malleillaan eräänlaisen kulttimaineen. Sarja on aiemmin tunnettu maailmanluokan viritinvahvistimistaan, mutta nyt Marantz herättää nimen uudelleen henkiin. Uuden Model-sarjan ensimmäiset kaksi mallia olivat Marantzille epätyypillisesti, pääasiassa yhteen asiaan kerrallaan keskittyviä laitteita. Model 50 jatkaa samaa ideaa modernin A/B-luokkaisen integroidun muodossa.
Marantz – Model 50 integroitu vahvistin
MODEL 50 is the ideal integrated amplifier. With 70 watts per channel of unique Marantz current- feedback power and HDAM SA-3 circuitry, this amplifier drives loudspeakers with total control.
Even difficult to drive loudspeakers will sound effortless with the high- current, dual-device amplifier in MODEL 50.
With a collection of available analog inputs, MODEL 50 can accept audio from myriad source components and includes upgraded connectors for CD and phono.
The built-in MM phono stage works with your turntable to amplify the nuance and tone in your records. Using a new circuit without distortion-inducing coupling capacitors.
MODEL 50’s stereo preamp outputs add valuable flexibility to your audio system setup. Connect a subwoofer, add channels to your home theater, or multiply listening zones—the possibilities are endless.
With a precisely engineered Class A/B amplifier, MODEL 50 will drive your loudspeakers with authority yet reveal details you never knew existed.
Analog is paramount in the design of MODEL 50. The decision to exclude digital audio ensures completely intuitive operation and eliminates the risk of interference from complex digital circuitry.
We designed MODEL 50 to be thoroughly modern, yet timeless. Hallmark aesthetic cues like symmetry, warmth, and tactile satisfaction push the boundaries of audio equipment design inspired by icons of our past.
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